Built from the '70s through late '80s, Harmony Woods (map here) in Ogletown, Delaware, is one of New Castle County's (NCC) largest housing developments. As required by the Unified Development Code (UDC), approx 16 acres of land was set aside as mandatory open space. Most of it is forest canopy, but several acres are grass fields and require steady maintenance (mowing). This is coordinated by the HW Civic Assoc (FB), of which funding is a frequent topic at meetings, while the space remains fallow. In virtually all other NCC communities of this size, such land is a park with place-making amenities, which the County says they are working on improving.
For some reason, a park never happened with Harmony Woods, but this space represents a magnificent opportunity that's long overdue. According to their latest newsletter (snipped below), NCC Councilman Tim Sheldon will ask for a feasibility study on a "small" park:
Streets are the only parks and recreation in Harmony Woods |
Let's hope Councilman Sheldon comes back with some good news, that Harmony Woods will finally make the best use of its open space in the form of a park, community, place-making and multi-modal connectivity. The region as a whole is hugely lacking of parks and paths, and has been disenfranchised relative to most other regions of NCC. The importance of naturehood and protection (and increase) of property values cannot be overstated, and we are elated that our civic and elected leaders see this, and are prepared to act.
Also see: Another lost park opportunity in Ogletown?
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